In the category “SMEs Learning & Development (Learning Culture)” the HR team of Surplex has made it into the TOP 3 nominations of the HR Excellence Award with its training series “Zwölfuhrschlau: Fortbildung von & für Mitarbeiter” (in English “Learning at twelve o’clock: advanced trainings by & for employees”). The final announcement of the first place will be made on 20th November 2020.

Who receives the award?

The HR Excellence Awards (HREA) annually reward the best achievements in human resources. The most innovative and creative ideas are selected. Nominated competitors set new standards in future HR work and are honoured in the form of the award.

The HR Team of Surplex

Katja Sankowski (left) and Karin Schneider (right) are the two creative heads from Surplex’ personnel department. Both are seasoned HR staff with years of professional experience who like to think outside the box and try out new things. “Surplex’ open corporate culture leaves a lot of room for extraordinary ideas and we want to make the most of that”, emphasizes Katja, Human Resources Manager of Surplex. Since their start at Surplex in the summer of 2017, the Dream Team has introduced various benefits and initiated events and campaigns. From the Surplex Nations Brunch to the Surplex Step Challenge and the Surplex Advent Calendar, a lot has been set up in recent years. Finally, in January 2020, the concept of the internal further training series “Zwölfuhrschlau” was launched.

“Smart aleck was yesterday, today is learning at twelve o’clock”

– is the slogan of the internal training series by and for Surplex employees. The diverse interests of the employees should be used and promoted. The lecturers are the Surplex employees themselves, who want to share their knowledge or passion with others! True to the company’s mission statement “We are colourful”, they can lecture on a wide variety of topics, whether they are helpful in their own work, in their private lives or in their leisure time. For about 60 minutes, the lunch break is used to learn a little something in addition to lunch. The series started on site and was continued via Microsoft Teams because of Corona. Participation is voluntary and anyone – regardless of position or activity – can join in, whether as a listener or speaker. There is also the possibility to view many of the past seminars in the company’s internal wiki, as they have been recorded.

The seminars offered ranged from training courses on Excel basics, for self-organisation with Trello, handlettering courses or a mini-Japanese course etc. A positive side-effect: within the seminars, colleagues from the most diverse specialist areas mix with each other, so that contacts are made far beyond the boundaries of one’s own department and new acquaintances can be made within the company.

Working at Surplex

If you would like to take a look behind the scenes of Surplex, you should subscribe to our Instagram channel surplexcareer. Here, highlights from Surplex’ everyday office life are regularly posted, providing an impression of the Surplex world from the employee’s point of view! Further information about working at Surplex can also be found on the career page

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Related contact person:

Dennis Kottmann
Head of Marketing
Tel.   : +49-211-422737-28
Fax   : +49-211-422737-17