Which one handles the most? – The 10 largest ports in Europe

Ports. Today, they are among the most important hubs in the transport and logistics sector. We have researched the 10 largest ports in Europe for you and created a ranking. Some of them may be surprising, others are predictable, but have a look for yourself.

To give you a better idea of the different sizes, we have chosen the professional unit of measurement TEU. A TEU is an internationally standardised unit for counting ISO containers of various sizes, for describing the loading capacity of ships and the handling of terminals in container transport. Therefore, we based our calculations on the container handling volume.

Apart from the less-known ports, such as the port of Marsaxlokk, or Malta Freeport, on Malta, there are also numerous better-known ports, such as those in Hamburg or Rotterdam. It is astonishing that there is a remarkable difference of 11.2 million containers between the first and last place.

In our photo gallery, you can see which European ports have made it into the ranking and with how much container handling. Have fun clicking through! 😊

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